What: Practice LSAT
Where: MacLean Hall, Room 114
When: April 7, 6-9 pm
Cost: Free
The skeptics out there may think the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) doesn't qualify as arts or culture; I beg to differ. After all, most art evokes a wide variety of emotions - joy, fear, hope and despair are among a few. The same is true of the LSAT! But why is this fun, you ask? I say why not! Anybody can come, and who wouldn't want to take the practice LSAT and find out the next day that they scored high enough to enter the law school of their choice, should they decide to go into law some day? And if you do poorly, then you can cross "law school" off your to-do list without wasting the $123 it costs to take the actual LSAT! Plus, one of the LSAT sections is called "Logic Games!" Games=Fun!
But perhaps I should back up a bit, and explain why I would accept such an offer to take a three hour exam for no apparent reason. Besides needing the practice for the real LSAT I will be taking in June, according to an email they sent me, Kaplan (purveyor of the standardized post-graduate acceptance test) offers a wide range of services in my area including a *free* preparation course! I could talk to a representative at the test!
Well, the test itself didn't allow a format conducive to asking questions about Kaplan's services, but this is highly subjective as I was tired and cranky after 12+ hours on campus. But I'm sure the Kaplan rep, Kevin Stejskal, would have been glad to answer my questions, as amiable of a guy as he was. And while Kaplan says their mock test is the real deal, I don't trust them. A company that charges $1300 for an LSAT prep course (which I discovered as I was searching for info about the "free" class they promised) is not to be trusted.
Incidentally, the "Logic Games" portion was grossly mislabeled - no fun & games here. Sheesh Kaplan, you could have warned me!
Kaplan's next free LSAT event is the LSAT Sample Class on May 5 from 6-8 pm, at a location yet to be determined. Check the schedule for details.
1 comment:
I agree, it gets really difficult for students who have scarce financial conditions to pay for their school as well as for preparatory classes. Therefore, I have also preferred TestMax LSAT Prep Courses, they are very much affordable and good background history.
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