Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Hidden Museum

So my assignment was to go out and cover a free event held at the Johnson County Historical Society Museum. In honor of Black Hisory Month, the museum was displaying several artifacts and pictures from past African-American Iowan athletes. Being a sports guy myself I had to check it out. What I got out of it was much more.

Not only is the museum open and free to the public, it is a great place to come and learn about the history of the Iowa City area, or in otherwords the place we've been calling home for quite some time now.

In the athletic display, frames of legends such as Iowa State footballer Jack Trice, Drake All-American Johnny Bright, and Iowa All-American Duke Slater hung in the cases for all to see and learn a bit about what these athletes contributed to the advancement of the African-American athlete in the early half of the 20th Century.

Aside from the athletic display, which will continue to be shown until February 29th, inside the main room are items, maps, pictures, illustrations, and artifacts from throughout the history of Johnson County. For those history buffs it will definitely pique your interest.

In the next room is a place for historical cars. Automobiles such as the Model-T are on display for those car gazers who can't get enough of checking out classic models. There's something for everyone at the Johnson County Historical Society Museum.

The only way money is involved depends on how generous you are feeling. The museum takes free will donations as a token of appreciation and gratitude for you're visiting their fine institution.

The thing is thousands of people drive by it everyday and probably don't even realize it's there. It's located on 860 Quarry Rd in Coralville. A quick way to get there is to hop on I-80 and take the 1st Avenue exit south. After that turn onto 9th Street down the brickroad towards the fairly new Marriot Hotel and you will see the museum. Here's a quick link to their website if you have any further questions or interests:

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