Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Daytripping: An Introduction

For those who don't think Iowa is "head and shoulders"
better than Missouri: here's your proof

Ah, this old beautiful state. With it's "Hawkeye State" hat, overalls and bushy moustache, no wonder we make all the other states jealous. Iowa is more than corn and farming though, this state has a lot of neat things to offer if you know where to find them. This is where this blog can be helpful.

Every week, I will try to highlight a different local attraction that is worth visiting whether that be a Library for a President who only spent 11 of his 90 years in Iowa (evidentally that's enough) or a giant wagon wheel sculpture (and you thought there were no more uses for wagon wheels anymore).

So even if you're from out of state (I'm looking at you Chicago suburbians), strap on your overalls, put on your lucky Hawkeye hat, grab your corn stalk and comb your mustache because for once a week were gonna put a little Iowa in you (that's what she said).

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